Найвідоміший римський оратор Цицерон стверджував, що кінець речення "має визначатися не паузою мовця, щоби перехопити повітря, і не позначкою переписувача, а ритмом самого тексту".
The most famous Roman orator Cicero claimed that the end of the sentence "has determined does not pause the speaker to intercept air, and not the mark have a transcriber and the rhythm of the text itself.
The most famous Roman orator Cicero argued that the end of the sentence "is determined not pause the speaker in order to intercept the air and not a mark scribe, and the rhythm of the text."
The most famous Roman orator Cicerone argued that the end of the sentence "should not depend on life pause to intercept air, and not a designation переписувача and rhythm of the text".